Thursday, January 27, 2011

Music, music, music...

Hi Everyone,

We will be holding a private reception after the ceremony and have rented some speakers and will be plugging in an iPod for music.  Therefore, we need everyone's help! We need some good dancing music to upload so if you want you can send me a list of songs you want to hear! You can send them to my e-mail-  It will be much easier to keep track of things that way!

Thanks so much.

Erika & Devin

It's Official

Hello Everyone!

Just letting you know that it's official :)!  We have a confirmed date for May 25th, 2012 at 5:00pm.  Everyone will receive a more formal invitation once the time approaches but for now we wanted to use this blog as a kind of heads up of what's to come!

That is all for now.

Erika & Devin

Friday, January 21, 2011

Passport Information...

Hello Everyone,

We thought we would post the links to the forms that you will need to either get a passport or renew a current passport that is expiring.

Here is the link for the Adult Passport Application:

Here is the link for the Child Passport Application:

Here is the Passport Renewal Form:

Please let us know if the links do not work, although they should:)

Right now the cheapest place for passport photos is Costco, i'm not sure if you need to be a member to get it done, i'll be looking into it soon! There are other places like Wal-Mart and Sears that offer these services.  I know that here in Sudbury next weekend there will be a Passport Clinic at the New Sudbury Centre Friday from 12-8 and Saturday from 10-4. Make sure you bring your completed application with you!

That is all for now:)

Erika & Devin

Why Do Dreams Come True...

Hi Everyone!

So there is actually a point to our slightly cheesy blog title! We have chosen a beautiful resort in Punta Cana called "Dreams Punta Cana Resort and Spa".  It is a beautiful secluded resort about 60 minutes from the Punta Cana Airport and the closest resort is 30 minutes away. 

We have posted a link here to the resort, feel free to check it out!

The website has tones of information about things to do and the best places to be! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and can't find the answer.  We've been in contact with several people at the resort, so if you need any information we can just send off an e-mail. 

We have also been searching some travel agencies online.  As of right now, the prices for 2012 are not released, however for a good estimate we were advised to look for prices in May 2011.  Here are several good sites to check the prices out...;jsessionid=3A5EF877A0EA99728F607B5CBA6A8A43.cls02?originSearch=-1

There are many other sites out there so if you guys find any good deals just let me know so I can share it with the rest!

That is all for now! Keep checking back:)

Erika & Devin

Dreams Really Do Come True...

Hi Everyone, 

As most of you know Devin and I are now engaged.  On Christmas day, Devin took me to the ski hill where we spent much of our winter hours together and asked me to be his wife! 
We have decided that our special day will be in May 2012 in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.  We have applied for an official date of 25 May 2012, but have not gotten confirmation of this yet, so when we do you will all know.  We should know in a week or so, so keep checking back :). 

We will use this blog to keep you all updated on the resort, travel agencies and any other information that might be useful to everyone.  We would also love to hear if you have any suggestions or ideas as for things to do while in the Dominican or if you guys find a steal on flights and packages (as of right now the prices are not out for 2012 but when they are we will let you know also), so that we can share this information with everyone!

Well that is all for our first blog! Hope to hear from you soon!

Erika & Devin